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How eDesign Works: Work With An Interior Designer Even If You Have a Small Budget Or Live Far Away

I asked my Instagram followers what kinds of questions they had about eDesign and MAN OH MAN did they come through with some good ones!! There were so many more questions to answer than I anticipated, leading me to generally believe that few people really understand how eDesigners work at all. A lot of the questions were repetitive, so I figured I could best answer everyone in a broad forum. So here we go. Let’s dive deep into Interior eDesign. 


ORC™ Week Three: Finally A Progress Report

We installed a horizontal board and batten in the dining room. And it is my jam. Although I’ll admit, it wasn’t my first choice. That’s right. My original design, if you recall, called for horizontal shiplap. Totally the plan. It was going to be the most expensive aspect of the room by far, but I’d budgeted appropriately and was ready to pay the price.