How Do You Write About Pretty Things When There Is So Much Ugly In The World?

I don’t know, you guys. I just don’t.


Yesterday, 17 families were broken apart. On Valentine’s Day. On a day about love, a day that comes every single year. A day that’s marked by hearts and chocolates and greeting cards. A day no one in the US can avoid. This day will be misery for 34 parents for the remainder of their lives. 

I had a post ready for you guys about my master bathroom for today. But I just can’t bring myself to hit Publish. I can’t talk about tile and wallpaper and gripe about not having enough storage today. I’m walking around my house, looking at all of the tiny moments of my daughter that she leaves behind every day when she goes to school. The little vignettes of clutter that I put away every afternoon in anticipation of her creating more when she returns. And I’m thinking about the parents of children whose children don’t come home from school. I’m wondering about their vignettes of clutter. I’m wondering how they could possibly put those shoes back in the bin or wipe their children’s hair off the bathroom sink. 


Blogging isn’t my full-time job. I’m lucky to be able to take a day off without someone telling me I can’t call in sad to work. So I’m going to. If you have orders in for Mood Boards or Room DeDesigns, you can still expect to receive these within the deadline. 


I’m not going to try to change anyone’s mind about what causes these tragedies. You’re going to feel the same way about it today as you did yesterday and I am too sad and angry to fix your mindset. 

But if you happen to be looking for ways you can help solve this, please visit –


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