Best of The Blog: My $500 Powder Room Makeover Reveal – How To Make a Small Bathroom Feel Bigger

Best of The Blog Series revisits my most popular posts with fun updates to let you know how it’s going. Today, we take a look at my Powder Room makeover and I add additional resources and tips for achieving your own revamp on a budget and timeline.
UPDATE: This makeover has been featured on Apartment Therapy’s list of bathroom makeovers under $3,000! Click here to see the whole list!

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Remember that powder room that I picked apart a couple of weeks ago? If you don’t recall, here’s the post about staging a powder room for resale. Here’s a refresher picture.

Confession: That’s my powder room. Well, it WAS my powder room. But now, THIS is my powder room.
I have to admit, I got every bit of inspiration for this powder room from that wallpaper. Sourcing a navy grasscloth, I accidentally ordered a sample of this last summer. It sat on my desk for a really, really long time. I would just stare at it. I fall in love very easily, especially with home decor. But this was a little much for even me. I mean, I really obsessed. Eventually, I taped it to the wall in the powder room and just left it there for months, hoping it would grow on Christine.

I repainted with the same color that was in my office: Behr Marquis Granite Dust. The only wall that I papered is the very back wall. This is for two reasons; 1. The whole room would be too much pattern and too much money. Wallpaper isn’t cheap. So to keep costs low, always consider how you can make the biggest impact using the smallest amount. Sometimes, this means hanging the wallpaper only above a chair rail or half wall of tile, like this bathroom from At Home With Ashley:

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Or on the ceiling, like this room from Addison’s Wonderland blog:

Then there’s always a very high picture rail option, like Hi, Sugarplum’s bathroom pictured below:

The major takeaway is that if you’re going to use a very graphic or dark pattern, limit the amount of wall space you dedicate. Less is more. Now, let’s see a close-up of my powder room (because I just can’t get enough of it):

Here’s my view from my office. I’ve always kept that door closed because my webcam faces the French doors. Now I can’t wait to fling those doors open on all of my Skype calls!

Now we’re four months in to loving this bathroom. We’ve updated two additional rooms around this navy blue aesthetic and have had countless guests oohhh and aaaahhh at the sight of this room. I’m genuinely so proud of what we accomplished in this room, with such a minor budget.

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