My Serena & Lily Inspired Dining Room Chairs

Hey guys! So, that picture might be a little deceiving. It kind of seems like I’m saying I don’t like Serena & Lily or wouldn’t buy their stuff and that couldn’t be further from the truth. I but their products all the time. And I love them! Unfortunately, every project has a budget and my budget for this dining room was well under the $3,000 I would have spent on these chairs:

ORC™: Week Five – Taking Amazing Interior Photos for Your Blog and Instagram

Hey guys! I’m back with another round of updates for my One Room Challenge dining room project. If you missed the last four weeks, 1. What are you doing with your life? and 2. I forgive you. You can check them out here. Also, if you’d like to get caught up on what everyone else is doing, and I highly recommend you do because there’s some amazing talent on display this season, you can see the most recent posts on the ORC™ official website here

Six Instagram Accounts to Follow for Colorful Design Inspiration

I’ve been focused on Instagram for a little while now and I’ve got to say, it’s a great place to glean inspiration for your home projects. The biggest challenge I have is finding the right inspiration. There are a ton of black and white and beige home interior shots. These are beautiful in photos, but I find it a little impractical for my lifestyle. I like color. Don’t get me wrong, I love a white backdrop, but I want to add some cheer. Even if it’s a faded out pastel, I crave color in my home. 

Let’s Trip Down Memory Lane (Our Old House Tour)

This weekend, I posted the photo above as an entry for a little challenge I’m participating in on Instagram (look up #homediary daily, but know that it’s based in the UK so accounts from the US can’t be chosen as winners or receive the prizes, I’m just doing it for fun). In the post, I offhandedly remarked that I miss living in a home that’s already been completely renovated. Afterward, I got multiple DMs from people, asking me to show photos from our last house.

My Favorite Houseplants for Low Light Rooms

Alternative Post Title: Confessions of a Serial Plant Killer. Seriously, I try very hard and yet, I’ve never managed to keep plants alive in my home. I have one aloe plant that was a gift from my friend over ten years ago and it’s still alive. Probably because it took a four-year hiatus from my care while I was living in North Carolina. During that time, it lived with my mother, who can grow plants in a cardboard box (I’m not kidding at all), and it thrived. It even had a baby! I’ve had it back for six months and it’s looking pretty sickly.