DIY Cornice Board from Cardboard

We have two guest rooms now. Previously, we had a guest room and a mess of a storage room (bunker?). This had actually been our daughter’s nursery when we first moved into this house last year. Two months after we moved in, she outgrew her crib and was ready for a “big girl room”, so we transitioned her by decorating our fourth bedroom just for that purpose. Since then, this nursery / 2nd guest room has just been ignored. Over time, it became a dumping ground for miscellaneous bedding and decor. Here’s what it looked like a week ago.

Sherwin Williams 2019 Color of the Year: Cavern Clay – you’ll love it or hate it

Every Fall, each of the major paint brands announces their predictions for the coming year in the form of a Color of the Year announcement. With each new announcement, there are always people who disagree and then avid fans. This year, however, it seems that the house is even more divided than usual. It’s pretty funny to watch the internet explode over a paint color.

In Honor of NBC’s Making It: How to Easily Buy from American Makers

In Honor of NBC’s Making It: How to Easily Buy from American Makers

It’s official! I love NBC’s Making It, hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman. Even more official? NBC just announced it’s been renewed for a second season and I am so friggin excited! Truthfully though, I don’t watch much television. I actually only know of this show because someone I adore is on it. Maybe you’ve heard of her? AMBER MY GIRLFRIEND @DAMASKLOVE ON INSTAGRAM? Yeah. You’ve heard of her. I know you have. She’s very famous

$2,000 Living Room Inspired by West Elm’s Fall Color Palette: The Look for Less

$2,000 Living Room Inspired by West Elm’s Fall Color Palette: The Look for Less

As Autumn approaches, we all crave plush fabrics and saturated hues but, knowing we’ll be back in the cool tones vibe in a few months, I never want to spend too much on seasonal updates. Instead, I’m showing you how you can get the look of a West Elm room with their Sherwin Williams Fall Color Palette, all for under $2000! That even includes the furniture! So let’s explore the options and I’ll show you exactly where I’ve saved money and exactly how much.

Best Written Blog Nomination: 2018 Amara Interior Blog Awards

The Amara Interior Blog Awards celebrates and engages with the most authoritative and respected bloggers in the interior blogging industry. Believing that bloggers are an integral part of the interior design community, the Amara Team has worked closely with many of these talented individuals over the years and strive to give back to this vibrant community through the awards.

Wallpaper Tutorial + My Favorite Affordable Wallpapers

Wallpaper Tutorial + My Favorite Affordable Wallpapers

I’m a huge fan of wallpaper. I know it can feel dated sometimes and I still know plenty of people who are worried about the challenges of removal. But to me, nothing screams This home was professionally decorated! like wallpaper and custom drapes. The process of installing wallpaper can be incredibly intimidating so I’ve included a video tutorial to guide you. I promise it’s fun and It’s actually somehow way less painstaking than painting a whole room. No second coat! Talk about instant gratification!

Making Smart Home Investments to Increase Your Profit: Advice from the Pros

Making Smart Home Investments to Increase Your Profit: Advice from the Pros

The best way to make sure you’re making super smart choices that will benefit your long-term goals is to work with a designer who has experience in home investment / flipping. (For instance, someone like me!) Of course, not everyone needs an actual designer to assist them. Lots of people have enough vision and experience to create their own designs. For those people, I’ve enlisted three of the top real estate investment professionals to provide some advice. Below, you’ll find their answers to the five most frequently asked questions about home investment and renovations.